JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israel's Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday approved the purchase of a fleet of US-built F-35 strike fighters in a move set to ramp up the capabilities of the Israeli Air Force. More »
TEHRAN (AFP) - Popular Iranian footballer Ali Karimi, sometimes described as "the Maradona of Asia," has been fired by his club for not fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the club said on Sunday. More »
EL-ARISH, Egypt (AFP) - An Eritrean woman shot in clashes with smugglers and police on Egypt's border with Israel earlier in the week died of her injuries Sunday, raising the death toll to seven, a security official said. More »
BAGHDAD (AFP) - An Iraqi pharmacist just back from his studies in the United States was among at least 18 people killed in a spate of attacks across the country over the weekend, officials said on Sunday. More »
SUMELA, Turkey (AFP) - The Greek Orthodox faithful flocked to the cliffside setting of Sumela monastery in northeast Turkey on Sunday after Ankara allowed mass to be celebrated here for the first time in 88 years. More »
DAMASCUS (AFP) - Hamas and 10 other radical Palestinian groups based in Syria on Sunday rejected any move by the Palestinian Authority to resume US-brokered direct peace talks with Israel. More »
BAGHDAD (AFP) - An Iraqi pharmacist just back from his studies in the United States was among at least 18 people killed in a spate of attacks across the country over the weekend, officials said on Sunday. More »
RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories (AFP) - Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas was on Sunday to meet a senior US official to mull over a Middle East Quartet proposal for launching direct talks with Israel, a Palestinian official said. More »
TEHRAN (AFP) - Popular Iranian footballer Ali Karimi, sometimes described as "the Maradona of Asia," has been fired by his club for not fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the club said on Sunday. More »
LONDON (AFP) - Five Iraqis have been cleared of involvement in the deaths of six British soldiers at the hands of a mob in 2003, but two others will go on trial, the Ministry of Defence in London said Sunday. More »
The high-performance round will be fired from standard-issue SA80 assault rifles. Nicknamed the 'Dirty Harry round' after the powerful bullets used by Clint Eastwood in the 1971 movie, it is expected to be on the front line in Afghanistan by 2011.
Its development by UK defence firms BAE Systems and QinetiQ follows Army concern in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, last year that the standard 5.56mm SA80 round was failing to hit its target at distances of more than 400 yards.
British troops are to be issued with a new 'super-bullet' to fight the Taliban as their current ammunition does not have the punch to kill the enemy at long range
The Taliban use more powerful rounds in Russian-designed AK-47 rifles to hit British forces at a range of 600 yards. Now the British troops' new round will even up the odds.
The new bullet gives greater range and force against human targets and light vehicles. Because it is the same calibre as the standard bullet, the SA80 rifle will not need modification.
A senior Royal Marines officer just back from Afghanistan said the new bullet would be welcomed on the front line.
He said: 'It will give our infantry soldiers an edge which at present we are lacking.' An MoD spokeswoman said: 'We work closely with industry to ensure equipment is continuously improved.'
*Link to this article from source; "British Army To Use 'Dirty Harry' Bullet Against The Taliban - DailyMail.co.uk By Christopher Leake"