ABE is a gyro-stabilized, electro-optical angular measurement system designed to align aircraft subsystems. Under these new awards valued at more than $1.8 million, AAI will deliver an additional ABE AH-64D Apache Depot Boresight System to align various sensor, weapon and sighting systems, as well as an additional ABE AH-64D Apache Maintenance Aircraft Survivability Equipment (AMASE) Boresight Kit for AMASE alignment. AAI’s ABE boresight solution has supported the AH-64D Apache for the Royal Netherlands Air Force since 2004.
In addition, AAI’s ABE system has been selected as the harmonization solution for the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s CH-47F Chinook aircraft survivability equipment. Under these awards, AAI will design, develop and deliver adapters, platform-specific firmware called a Personality Module, training and manuals.
“AAI is committed to creating reliable, cost-effective test solutions that provide confidence to warfighters. ABE is the boresighting solution of choice for dozens of platforms in several countries,” says Vice President of Test & Training Systems Robert Peters. “Not only is it a proven, accurate and repeatable resource, it minimizes harmonization time and required manpower. The Royal Netherlands Air Force will now use our common ABE Model 310A alignment system on both of these helicopter platforms.”
About AAI
AAI Corporation and its indirect wholly owned subsidiaries Aerosonde Pty Ltd and ESL Defence Limited design, produce and support industry-leading aerospace and defense products and services, including unmanned aircraft and ground control technologies; high-fidelity training and simulation systems; automated aerospace test and maintenance equipment; armament systems; and logistical, engineering, supply chain and operational support services. AAI Corporation is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Textron Inc. More information is available at http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aaicorp.com&esheet=6149468&lan=en_US&anchor=www.aaicorp.com&index=1&md5=0ce7e87a540422ab056ded5b9fec2b6b.
About Textron Systems
Textron Systems Corporation has been providing innovative solutions to the defense, homeland security and aerospace communities for more than 50 years. Known for its unmanned aircraft systems, advanced marine craft, armored vehicles, intelligent battlefield and surveillance systems, intelligence software solutions, precision smart weapons, piston engines, test and training systems, and total life cycle sustainment services, Textron Systems includes AAI Corporation, Lycoming Engines, Overwatch, Textron Defense Systems and Textron Marine & Land Systems. Textron Systems Corporation is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Textron Inc. More information is available at http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.textronsystems.com&esheet=6149468&lan=en_US&anchor=www.textronsystems.com&index=2&md5=fd3a790697813c653fd8b7e3977567ba.
About Textron Inc.
Textron Inc. is a multi-industry company that leverages its global network of aircraft, defense, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft Company, Jacobsen, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO, Greenlee, and Textron Systems. More information is available at http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.textron.com&esheet=6149468&lan=en_US&anchor=www.textron.com&index=3&md5=8e38987f61dcfe584464be973d106730.
AAI and ABE are registered trademarks of AAI Corporation
AH-64D Apache Longbow is a registered trademark of Boeing Management Company
Chinook is a registered trademark of the Department of the Army
Investor Contact:
Doug Wilburne,401-457-2288
Bill Pitts, 401-457-2288
Media Contact:
Textron Systems Corporation
Sharon Corona, 410-628-3184
Michael Maynard, 401-457-2474