BRASILIA, Brazil September 13, 2009, (AP) -- Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Friday he is holding out on a multibillion-dollar contract for 36 fighter jets in case there are better offers. (Image: F-18 Super Hornet)
Brazil is carrying out technical evaluations on bids to deliver 36 fighters by France's Dassault SA, Sweden's Saab AB and Boeing Co. of Chicago.
Silva said he has the final word on the winner, and negotiations are not over if a bidder wants to offer better terms.
Brazil said the companies have until Sept. 21 to formalize their offers. The air force expects to finish the technical evaluations by November.
Brazil has hinted at close negotiations for Dassault's Rafale fighters.
Saab is offering its Gripen fighter and Boeing Co. is proposing the F-18 Super Hornet.