Defense News: DTN News - CANADA TODAY: Toronto Weather Report - March 31, 2012 By K. V. Seth
Source: DTN News - - K. V. Seth
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 31, 2012: The whole month of March, 2012 - we had almost spring type weather even though a bit earlier that than expected also confusing the beautiful red Canadian Cardinal bird - I have seen singing on a tree in our garden. Believe or not, last night we had some snow, the white layer of snow looks so calm and serene with a fairy of sweet coolness in the environment.
On the other hand keeping in view with global climate changes, any thing is possible.
This winter we saw heavy snow in Europe and Japan, Romania had snow upto 15 feet covering entire villages and dwellings, the inhabitants had hard time digging themselves out from the white wintery snow for a fresh breath of air or to see the blue sky. On the other side of the world, Aussieland ~ Australia was underwater with floods. The abnormal global climate changes are man made, we should implement and respect the resources of this planet and mother nature., else the cycle of unpredictment will continue to drive changes in climate with heavy losses to human and materials.
In conclusion with a brighter day a ahead, we wish all our near and dear, friends on FB and acquaintances a HAPPY SPRING with lots of JOY and HAPPINESS.
Best wishes to all from Karam, Carina Seth & Family.
*DTN Canada @DTNCanada ~ Available on Twitter
Comprehensive Daily News on Canada Today ~ © Copyright (c) DTN News Defense-Technology News
*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 31, 2012: The whole month of March, 2012 - we had almost spring type weather even though a bit earlier that than expected also confusing the beautiful red Canadian Cardinal bird - I have seen singing on a tree in our garden. Believe or not, last night we had some snow, the white layer of snow looks so calm and serene with a fairy of sweet coolness in the environment.
On the other hand keeping in view with global climate changes, any thing is possible.
This winter we saw heavy snow in Europe and Japan, Romania had snow upto 15 feet covering entire villages and dwellings, the inhabitants had hard time digging themselves out from the white wintery snow for a fresh breath of air or to see the blue sky. On the other side of the world, Aussieland ~ Australia was underwater with floods. The abnormal global climate changes are man made, we should implement and respect the resources of this planet and mother nature., else the cycle of unpredictment will continue to drive changes in climate with heavy losses to human and materials.
In conclusion with a brighter day a ahead, we wish all our near and dear, friends on FB and acquaintances a HAPPY SPRING with lots of JOY and HAPPINESS.
Best wishes to all from Karam, Carina Seth & Family.

Comprehensive Daily News on Canada Today ~ © Copyright (c) DTN News Defense-Technology News
*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News