Defense News ~ ARLINGTON, Va.--January 11, 2010, (BUSINESS WIRE)--Qwest Government Services, a division of
Qwest Communications International Inc. (NYSE: Q - News), has completed the implementation of the eArmy Family Messaging System, a new program by the U.S. Army Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Command, which provides information to soldiers’ families during all stages of their deployment.
Qwest teamed with TechRadium of Sugar Land, Texas, developers of the Immediate Response Information System (IRIS), for the program. IRIS is a patented, high-speed electronic notification and response system for priority and routine messages. The Army is using IRIS to contact family members instantly through almost any communications device, including wireless phones, pagers, computers and faxes.
*The eArmy Family Messaging System is part of the virtual Family Readiness Group (vFRG) System, which provides Army commanders with a secure portal to send credible, timely and relevant information to soldiers and family members.
*The vFRG system is used for active duty, guard and reserve troops around the world.
*The eArmy Family Messaging System is supported by the Army OneSource initiative, which links community services and assistance to all soldiers and their families, no matter where they are located.
*Upon deployment, the messaging system provides information to soldiers’ families about important support services, such as training, education, health care, dependent care, identification cards and “welcome home” parties.
SUPPORTING QUOTESDiana Gowen, senior vice president and general manager of Qwest Government Services:“Communication is a vital ingredient for keeping any family close. Qwest is honored to serve our men and women in uniform by connecting their families to the support services they deserve through this advanced messaging system.”
Lt. Col. Terrence Murrill, commander of the Army recruiting battalion in Indianapolis, which covers several Midwestern states and is one of the largest in the nation:“The messaging system tremendously increases my ability to easily and quickly inform soldiers and family members with significant information. This is a big deal for those of us who are not in close proximity to the soldiers’ companies and installations.”
Ryan Rodkey, chief executive officer of TechRadium:"It's a tremendous honor to work with the men and women of the U.S. Army and their families because they deserve the very best. IRIS is a proven system for any communication or security need. It’s widely used by schools, utilities, banks and other businesses, and at every level of government."
*Web Page:
Qwest Government Services*Web Page:
eArmy Family Messaging System*Web Page:
Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Command (FMWRC)
*Web Page:
What is IRIS?About Qwest Government Services
Qwest Government Services is headquartered in Arlington, Va., and offers a comprehensive suite of products and services for all federal government agencies. The Qwest network backbone covers the entire continental United States and has one of the largest fiber footprints in the U.S., capable of supporting 40 Gbps data transmission rates now and 100 Gbps soon. Qwest participates in
Networx, the largest government communications services contract in the world, and is #51 on the “
Top 100 Government IT Contractors” by Washington Technology. Go to
http://www.qwest.com/business/federal-gov/ to see why the federal government relies on Qwest for first-class communications solutions and to learn more about Qwest’s commitment to perfecting the customer experience.
About TechRadium
TechRadium is a leading provider of high-speed communication services to educational institutions, corporations, non-profits and government entities worldwide. TechRadium gives organizations the ability to broadcast information via voice and text to thousands of people simultaneously with its easy-to-use mass notification service, IRIS – Immediate Response Information System. Headquartered in Sugar Land, Texas, TechRadium is the owner of seven United States patents and has multiple patents pending. For more information, go to
The marks that comprise the Qwest logo are registered trademarks of Qwest Communications International Inc. in the U.S. and certain other countries.
Qwest Media ContactTom McMahon, 202-429-3106tom.mcmahon@qwest.comorTechRadium Media ContactJohn Rodkey, 281-263-6301jrodkey@techradium.com