Defense News: DTN News - SPECIAL REPORT: Steven Seagal Joins Vladimir Putin For Photo-Op
Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Posted by Amy Argetsinger - Washington Post
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 14, 2013: Dennis Rodman is such an amateur. The NBA vet may have gotten a heap of media attention for catching a basketball game with Kim Jong-Eun, but it turns out Steven Seagal has been hanging out with foreign strongmen for years.
The action star did his own bit of photo-op diplomacy in Moscow with Vladimir Putin, touring a martial-arts school where the Russian president called for a revival of Stalin-era school phys-ed programs, reports Reuters.
Revelation: Putin, the world leader most frequently photographed in shirtless, macho poses, is actually quite tiny when standing next to Seagal.
The longtime pals watched martial-arts demonstrations and then, in what appeared to be a comic shtick, Seagal rushed a crowd of kids posing with Putin and protectively pulled him out. (“Kids, remain calm, it’s a great honor to take pictures with the president,” an announcer said.)
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - March 14, 2013: Dennis Rodman is such an amateur. The NBA vet may have gotten a heap of media attention for catching a basketball game with Kim Jong-Eun, but it turns out Steven Seagal has been hanging out with foreign strongmen for years.
The action star did his own bit of photo-op diplomacy in Moscow with Vladimir Putin, touring a martial-arts school where the Russian president called for a revival of Stalin-era school phys-ed programs, reports Reuters.
Revelation: Putin, the world leader most frequently photographed in shirtless, macho poses, is actually quite tiny when standing next to Seagal.
The longtime pals watched martial-arts demonstrations and then, in what appeared to be a comic shtick, Seagal rushed a crowd of kids posing with Putin and protectively pulled him out. (“Kids, remain calm, it’s a great honor to take pictures with the president,” an announcer said.)
Read earlier: Quoted: Dennis Rodman pledges friendship to Kim Jong Eun, 2/28/13
In other news: Ed Asner rushed to hospital midway through ‘FDR’ performance, 3/13/13
*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources Posted by Amy Argetsinger - Washington Post*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News